Tuesday, April 1, 2008

So How about dem Apples

  • I was on youtube, because I was bored and dodging homework, I stumbled across an ad Apple did in 1984. Wow I definetely don't remember that year but I can tell things were not that different than they are today. Apple apparently still loves to show how much more alive and un zombie like the are than PC. Maybe if Youtube wasn't so un cool they would let me put the video up but here is the link. http://youtube.com/watch?v=OYecfV3ubP8 I like to think this is a bit more dramatic than the commericials for Macs we see today. There is still one common theme: Macs are better. Check out this link to see this ad which is more recent. http://youtube.com/watch?v=gvzo390Mthc&feature=related


Ashley said...

Crazy commercial...but our project is about DestiNY USA so...yeah.

Ms. Pitts said...

Interesting commercials. I saw the one that was made in 1984 before though. However, I do agree with Ashley, how does those apples commercials relate to Destiny USA?

J. Smyth said...


I have seen that 1984 commercial before also. In a number or documentary type movies it was rated the number one commercial of its time. Its kinda amazing how intricate Apple is with their commercials unlike the average commercial now-a-days that make no sense.

P.S. It isn't about destiny but I realize that you posted it before we were assigned to destiny. This HW assignment was due on Wednesday and we weren't assigned to "greenwashing" until in class on Wednesday.